The most personalized digital coach
Developed by sports scientists and physiotherapists.
NaomiGymnastRubyGymnastspecialists forcoordination
Professional athletes guide you through an innovative test and training system.

You and your skills in numbers and graphics.

What Athlagon is testing
The ability to overcome
Your Strength describes the amount of power you can exert on objects or with which you can move against gravity. It is decisive for short, intensive workouts.
The ability to withstand
Your endurance describes your ability to withstand the urge to stop an exercise. It is decisive for the performance of physical functions like long runs, but also cognitive functions such as the ability to concentrate for prolonged consecutive intensive workloads.
Muscular endurance
The ability to repeat
Your muscular endurance describes the ability to perform an intensive exercise as long or as often as possible. It is a combination of maximum strength and endurance and is an important component of daily physical activity, such as carrying something heavy.
The ability to speed up
Your Power describes the ability to speed up an object or your own body. It is important for sprinting, jumping and throwing and therefore essential for most ball sports.
The ability to control
Describes the ability to combine single muscle contractions to a goal-oriented, economic movement. If you increase your coordination, you will be able to learn new movements or entire new sports faster.
The ability to move free
Describes the range of movement within the joints and thus the maximum possible range of movement between the adjacent bones.If you increase your flexibility, you are able to carry out movements that were not previously possible due to the nature of your organism.
Test and train your strength, endurance, coordination and other skills.
JosephineFitness trainerspecialist forflexibility
How Athlagon tests
Over 180 tests from 200 test videos with thousands of variables, animations and background knowledge
Athlagon tests your various motor skills by giving you movements that you are supposed to imitate. These fitness tests are presented to you in an HD video and explained with animations and descriptions. If you can achieve all the required movements in the given frequency, you will raise your Athlagon Score and you can try a new, more difficult test! During the tests, all of your muscles are challenged in a variety of ways to create an accurate and meaningful profile of you. This profile will be graphically displayed to visualize your performance. The more tests you do, the more accurate your digital image becomes. The Athlagon Coach uses this image to design the most effective workout for you. The Athlagon Coach uses this image to design the most effective workout for you.